
Campaign Journals for the Characters. Hey, one can hope this gets used...


Postby Theylan » Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:38 pm

We almost made it through the night when some loser Orc had to disturb out sleep. Malgrim tried to feign his way out of our problem but unfortunately it only worked temporarily. things looked abysmal but the creature ran straight to a wall. come to find out it wasn't a wall and it was a good thing that he lead us straight to a hidden passage because we never would have found it. We stopped just as he was about to run down the newly discovered passageway. situation resolved we were determined to get that much needed rest so we went pack to our hiding place and locked the door behind us. Once rested we went down the new passage way and discovered what ultimately became their last hideout. it was a giant room closed off by iron bound wood doors. I cast a protective shield of fire around me and huddle near the door to set it aflame and open a way for us. eventually after dodging a few arrows and a javelin that stuck me straight through the door, we were able to bust down the doors. It was not a good set up. They were spread out and we had to funnel through one section where they could pick us off. I decided the best course of action was to race in and get one of the orcs back with the main group where we could concentrate our efforts. Oh and did I mention the giant? So I thought I could fly across teleport one of the baddies and then teleport back. How wrong I was. I made it across fine but as soon as I arrived I was struck so violently that I was stopped in my tracks. I then teleported away from one orc only to be hit by the giant. I remember blacking out and then nothing until I awoke from Solasters healing spell, the battle over. We recovered the artifact and went back to town. I'm ashamed at my poor performance again in battle.
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