
Campaign Journals for the Characters. Hey, one can hope this gets used...


Postby Theylan » Fri Dec 27, 2013 3:24 pm

We found ourselves escorting a number of citizens of the city toward the White Dragon Oracle. On its face it seems a horrible idea but Mathander thinks that by freeing or killing the oracle we can stop the plot of the Hungering Legion and enable us to teleport and escape out of the city. A number of the guard is staying behind to buy us the time we need to race away; brave souls indeed.
On our way out we encounter some city cavalry, mounted upon woolly rhinos. They were guarding a few more towns’ people. Something seemed a bit off so we offered the town’s people escort for escape. They were eager but were shunned by their escorts. I told the commander that if they were truly free people they could choose for themselves. He ordered us to move along. We refused. Through some fabulous acrobatics we avoided the charging rhinos and separated the riders from their mounts while taking minimal damage ourselves. We let the guardsmen go eventually as soon as they accepted to leave the citizens behind. We later discovered that they were holding the people as ransom for their own safe passage. It is amazing what strain will cause people to do. It is such a dichotomy of reactions. In one moment brave soldiers face their death to give a chance at liberty to some of their friends and family and in the next another set of guards, when faced with similar circumstances, sell their souls and offer up the safety of their friends for their own liberty. I wish more people would choose the former over the latter.
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